Milan Fashion Week: Backstage Diaries
Like a lavish meal, a fashion show takes hours of painstaking planning, preparation, work.. and in a few minutes it’s all over. Whilst guests are usually there to witness the main event, the work, emotions and excitement happening behind the scenes is not something that is obvious.
Malta’s fashion industry has come a long way in recent years, as can be seen by the ever improving calendar of events and the improvement in the overall quality of the material produced. Having said that, we need to acknowledge that we are still a long way from established countries, and we need to look and see what these larger players are doing to keep learning and improving.
This year Caroline and I travelled to Milan Fashion week where i focused on backstage and a bit of street-style. Here are some highlights from the trip with backstage from Blumarine, Francesca Liberatore, ANNAKIKI, Aigner and others.
Most were lit using a handheld YongNuo YN360 LED light, which makes it really easy to selectively light up the subject (a stop or two above ambient) and then darken the surroundings. Colour rendition is great and other than making you look a bit like a silly jedi :D there is very little wrong with the light. Having said that, the distinctive nature of the light makes for a conversation starter which can be very good backstage
Francesca Liberatore
Francesca Liberatore
Francesca Liberatore