Kurt Paris is a photographer in malta, but a victim of circumstance. There he was minding his own business when iStockphoto visited Malta in 2008 for a week of photography. He enjoyed the energy, and intimacy involved in portraiture so much that he has been stuck doing "people" photography ever since.

Kurt believes every person has the potential to be beautiful and interesting: from a simple portrait or lifestyle shot, to a glimpse of a fashion or fantasy world (without the need of drugs to boot!). Being an inspector at iStockPhoto and with his background in stock photography, Kurt combines creative and original ideas whilst at the same time focusing on natural expressions and high technical quality of all his images.

Another trick up his sleeve is that he is excellent at being fun. Whilst you might think this does not apply to photography, he is convinced that those few minutes before one's photo is taken are key - "if you don't make your subject trust you and feel comfortable, you will get a VERY stiff result.."

Nowadays, Kurt specialises in Portraiture, Fashion and Commercial photography in Malta and abroad - pretty much anything involving people (or food! all fat lads love their tummy after all...) with a particular focus on expression and lighting.

Apart from photography, Kurt was also a Photo Inspector for iStockphoto, a software engineer and a certified geek (..of the fun loving variety :])

All images copyright Kurt Paris. All rights reserved.